The ding free ATM Network is now the largest in Canada!
We are pleased to advise that Talka Credit Union members are now able to withdraw cash from any Desjardins ATMs without the worry of surcharging. Through the Desjardins network, credit union members will also be able to access the networks of Caisse Populaire Alliance Limitee (CPAL) and UNI Financial (UNI), who operate regional caisses populaires alliances in Northern Ontario and New Brunswick, respectively.
Through the addition of the Desjardins ATMs and their network partners, ACCULINK ATMs will more than double in size and will expand to 4221 ATMs nationally – moving from the smallest ATM network in the market, to the second largest in Canada, behind only RBC.
As a result of Talka’s participation in both The Exchange network and ACCULINK service, our members now have access to 6,390 total surcharge-free ATMs which is the largest surcharge-free network in Canada by a considerable margin.
The Desjardins connection fills the geographic gap that currently faces the ACCULINK service, namely Quebec, Canada’s second-largest province.