We are compelled in helping our young Members obtain success in both their education and finances. Talka Credit Union is pleased to offer education bursary awards to our students every year, and now is your opportunity to apply.
Criteria & Timelines
Applicant must be:
1. A Member in good standing at Talka Credit Union for a minimum of one (1) year
2. Registered full time in a government recognized higher learning facility.
Applicant’s application must include the following information:
1. High School or previous year’s government recognized higher learning institution’s academic transcript. (Must clearly show courses and grades achieved).
2. Anecdotal written proof of community involvement. (Organizational responsibilities).
3. Brief autobiography that would include information about personal and academic goals.
4. List of any other bursaries received by the application deadline from any other sources.
1. All requests and supporting documentation must be submitted the CEO by February 29th, 2024. (Drop off in a sealed envelope or email Ron Smith at rsmith@talka.ca)
2. Scholarships will be announced and presented at Talka Credit Union’s Annual General Meeting.